Nisargadatta Video (1 of 2)

04 September, 2007

Nisargadatta and Ranjit are both from the lineage of Siddharameshwar.
They represent Advaita Vedanta in its ultimate form.

Nisargadatta has been "accused" of being an “atheist” which is of course a preposterous assumption, as Nisargadatta endeavor is a very practical one, based completely in Rational Inquiry, as such, it has nothing to do with something in which reason will sink without remedy, as it happens with the subject of God.

Nisargadatta has been also known as a Gnani, that is, one that follows the path of Knowledge , as it is understood in Vedanta, Self-knowledge.The Gnani inquiries in search of “true identity”, if something like that exists at all, a fact that each one must discovered by oneself.
In this sense, Gnanis are truly Scientists of the Mind.

Manuel Gerardo Monasterio

"A simple man, Nisargadatta Maharaj, was a householder and petty shopkeeper in Bombay where he lived, and died in 1981 at the age of 84. He had not been educated formally, but came to be respected and loved for his insights into the crux of human pain and the extraordinary usidity of his direct discourse. Hundreds of diverse seekers traveled the globe and sought him out in his unpretentious home to hear him. To all of them he gave hope that "beyond the real experience is not the mind, but the self, the light in which everything appears...the awareness in which everything happens."

By the people at

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