Be Careful: in order not to transform yourselves into that same "horror" that you denounce

04 September, 2007

"People represents not so much an aggregate of ideas and theories as of obsessions."

Scholars and researchers like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, whose basic endeavor toward debunking the atrocities of religion I have always applauded, are slowly beginning to lead a new mutant-legion. The question is in what are they going to be transformed.

These top researchers were worried by the universal folly of religions always spreading like a mind disease through mankind history. I understand that their worry -which I duly share- is completely rational and quite legal.
But little by little I am discovering awful signs of -let me be a little "Dawkinsnian" myself- "memetic contamination".

Many letters at Richard Dawkins' site begins with a "I am an atheist" or something like that. Not only at his site. It sounds like a new "declaration of faith". Sorry, but the resemblances with " I am a baptist" or "I am a presbyterian" or "I am an adventist" or "I am a Jew" or "I am a muslim" or...etcetera...seem loud and clear to me.

Call me a paranoic. And I will answer that most of the times, if paranoids are not completely right, at least they thrive well for survival.

I don't like the tendency of this thread. It sounds too much like a new religion.

Besides, if you look at the faces of several self-called atheists or agnostics speaking at TV shows or videos, there is a kind of slow but sure mimicry with the religious fanatics faces...and minds.

I am worried. Very worried indeed.
My growing feeling is that we are stepping out of the saucepan to fall into the barbecue.

There is a lot more in Memetics that we may even begin to dream about.
We are inmersed into a memes-soup and contagion is always imminent.

But not so much that it degenerates into fanatism.
Religious bigots are not so far away and alien to ourselves as we may think.

Manuel Gerardo Monasterio

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