Sam Harris on Francis Collins

06 August, 2009

Dr.Harris has published a sort of continuation for his "saga" against Dr.Collins

To read it please go to:

Putting aside the obvious irony about the title of the article, Dr.Collins' case is nothing sort of strange at all. The "christian" meme is one of the strongest still available in Western culture. Mr.Collins ravings about his faith are very personal, and should not be read outside the scope of private confessions.
Dr.Harris, a neuroscientist, must know that the best way to "fight" against paleo-limbic activity is to enhance cortical functioning. The "demens" part of the dubiously called "homo sapiens" allows this kind of situation, that is, that a brilliant geneticist and a religious peasant inhabit the same person, as is the case of Dr. Collins. That is not reason enough to make Dr.Collins unsuitable as head of National Institute of Health, on the contrary, a touch of Christian ethics may be helpful in an area that requires prudence in order to be able to abstain of doing absolutely everything that we can do and doubt a little in the name of "what is going to happen if you do absolutely everything that we can do" with the power of a technology that needs some restrain to avoid building unmanageable chaos out of our own uncontrolled inventions.

Sam Harris Scientific Crusade

Dr. Sam Harris, in line with Dr. Richard Dawkins and some others scientists, continues with his Crusade against all forms of religion. I must say beforehand that I am sympathetic with their view, with reserves, which are those that derive from preserving clarity of mind and avoid taking similar paths to those taken by the fanatics of religion from the other side around. One tends to mimetite with that that one hates. Hate is definitely not a scientific approach. I find the proposals of organized religions quite despicable from a rational point of view, and agree with Dr. Harris and Dr. Dawkins about the fact that religions have done a lot of harm to mankind through centuries, and even today. But I strongly believe that the weapons against religious idiocy cannot be the same applied by the advocates of "Sin and Hell".

To see the last article by Dr.Harris published at the New York Times, go here:

And here is my published comment about it, just in case:

As I have pointed out several times elsewhere, Dr.Harris and Dr.Dawkins seem to be acting as the forefront of a new “scientific McCarthyism” Era.One thing is to consider science the best known tool so far to understand the universe -I fully agree with that- another thing is to confuse science with “the ultimate thruth” and act accordingly as the Roman Catholic Inquisitors did beginning a witch-hunting from the other side around. Dangerous path indeed.

The Magician's Creed

18 March, 2009

by Bob Markransky (

I. The human race is in imminent danger of self-destructing and dragging our mother earth down with it.

II. There will be no miraculous salvation due to so-called Mayan 2012 prophecies; or Jesus' or the Mahdi's return; much less from the irresponsible governments, corporations, media, and academics who go us into this mess in the first place.

III. The theory of probable realities states that each individual person decides the fate of the entire universe. If you truly choose to save the world, you will wind up in a probable reality in which the world is saved.

IV. The only chance for survival - not to mention prosperity - is for each individual to reject society's mutual suicide pact and make saving the earth and future generations their NUMBER 1 PRIORITY (as opposed to something they may get around to someday). This is the magician's equivalent of the Bodhisattva's oath.

V. Rejecting social conditioning means eradicating all trace of self-pity. Only by clear, sober, objective thinking - as opposed to the endless loop of yada-yada nonsense emanating from society - can each individual save him/herself and the earth.

VI. This type of thinking is based upon what each person's heart tells them. It is different for everybody; and everybody has to find their own answers for themselves by examining their own habitual thoughts, moods, and concerns minutely. To do this magicians use various techniques, including:
a) techniques of self-analysis such as Active Imagination and Recapitulation.
b) techniques of transformation such as resorting to tree spirits and the earth.
c) techniques of hopefulness such as Creative Visualization.

VII. Detaching from society's conditioning of self-pity necessarily implies taking complete responsibility for oneself rather than wallowing in helplessness or daydreaming. To do this magicians:
a) channel their own spirit guides themselves for information and advice;
b) go to nature spirits for validation rather than seek the approval of other people or society;
c) become as self-sufficient and frugal as possible, including growing at least some of their own food and reducing their needs to the bare minimum.

VIII. The goal of magic is to make everyday life more dreamlike; to be able to feel comfortable in situations beyond one's control. Feeling relaxed and in good shape even in the midst of a maelstrom is called "enlightenment". Enlightenment doesn't mean light as opposed to dark; but rather light as opposed to heavy.

The mental state of mankind

12 March, 2009

There are little occurrences that are announced almost anecdotal, even as a joke, but in essence are paradigmatic to understand or define a situation that otherwise could be very complex, almost elusive.

The Iraqui journalist that throw his shoes against George W.Bush has been sentenced to three years in jail.

A pathetic gesture of despair and impotence that even if it has succeeded would have produced a negligible bruise.

Three years in jail for some futile shoes thrown to the head of the serial killer who slaughtered 1.200.000 people.

1.200.000 people that will hardly find their right place at the news of a global system that stinks from every corner of its hypocrisy and its impudence.

1.200.000 people slaughtered with the tacit acquiescence of all the world, otherwise it would have been impossible “to throw” to the anatomy of this poor devil...three years of prison for his failed desire for justice.

This is the mental state of mankind: three years in jail for throwing some shoes, and on the other hand, freedom and enjoying of its millions for the worst genocide of the last decades.

And there still some that may consider my discourse “pessimistic”...
But, ¿What could the other species of this blessed planet expect from such a specimen?
¿Is this “man”?
There have to be something else!
And if it isn’t, we should create it!
Even leaving behind at the path our last drop of lymph and blood.
That’s why we are involved on this deed, away from the world’s madness and against all odds.

Manuel Gerardo Monasterio
Jardines de Prometeo
12 de Marzo de 2009 a las 9.09